Sva dela Artura Konana Dojla zasenio je uspeh Avantura Šerloka Holmsa, koje su najpre objavljene u nastavcima u časopisu Strand 1891, a potom su, 1892, sabrane u zbirku od dvanaest priča. Pisac je dobro postupio što ih je objavio u formi kratkih priča i stvorio detektiva izuzetnih moći opažanja i zaključivanja.
Conan Doyle’s entire work was overshadowed by the success of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, which was published in instalments in the Strand magazine from 1891 and later gathered in a book containing 12 adventures in 1892. The author was right to publish them as short stories and create a detective with an enormous capacity for observation and deduction.