Osim što je u svoje romane uključivao najnovija naučna dostignuća, Vern je i nagovestio mnoga druga, kao što su putovanja svemirom i pod vodom.
Studirao je pravo, ali je ubrzo rešio da piše. Njegov prvi roman Pet nedelja u balonu (1862) toliko ga je proslavio da je nstavio da piše fantastične avanturističke priče. Tajanstveno ostrvo pisano je u nastavcima tokom dve godine (1874-1875) i jedan je od njegovih najpoznatijih romana. Vern u njemu kroz junaka Sajrusa pokazuje koliki je značaj nauke u našem životu.
Verne, besides including the latest scientific advances of the time in his novels, anticipated many others, like travelling in space or under water.
He studied law but soon decided to write. His first novel, Five Weeks in a Balloon (1862), made him so famous that he went on writting fantastic adventure stories. The Mysterious Island was written and published in serial form over two years (1874-75) and is one of the most famous. In it, he shows the importance od science in our lives, through the figure of Cyrus.